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Application: Studio
Version: v5.1
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Records found: 104

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Tool acronyms: IN: Installation, LM: License management, UE: UML editor, ME: MSC editor, TE: Text editor, SE: SDL-RT editor, PM: Project manager, PG: Prototyping GUI, CG: C code generator, MT: MSC tracer, MD: Model debugger, MS: Model Simulator, MV: Model validation, DE: Document editor, TT: TTCN-3 support

Tool id description comment date status forecast
* 2904 "Codesign" the Mac application so that it will work out of the box on a Mac with the default security settings.  Done. The build process has been adapted so that code-signing works on the generated application bundle.  2016-12-05 C v5.1.1 
* 2785 When an unexpected error occurs, it would be better to prevent the user from seeing the traceback - which is not meaningful for an end-user at all -, but also to send a bug report automatically.  Done. A dialog indicating an unexpected error occured is now displayed, by default hiding the details of the exception, and allowing to report the error to PragmaDev. Details can be displayed if needed.  2016-10-14 C v5.1 
* 2751 The diagram inspector displaying the page setup and the symbol & link properties would be better in the diagram editor, in the browser zone on the right side.  Done. The properties have also been reorganized in a more practical way, especially for model element identifiers associated to elements in MSC diagrams. A new item in the application menu allows to edit the default page setup (it was wrongly placed in the project menu) and a warning has been introduced when asking to edit the page setup for textual files and projects, since they don't have a page setup of their own and actually use the default one.  2016-08-04 C v5.1 
* 2507 The language (SDL Z100 or SDL-RT) should not be attached to the project, but to the diagrams: it is only relevant there, and not for most other items in a project.  Done. No language is not asked anymore when creating a new project, and a new option for the language has been added when adding a new diagram to a project.  2016-08-02 C v5.1 
* 2630 When one of the editors gets the focus back, the tool should check if the edited file has been modified.  Done. Only applies to textual file editor (feature 2801) & diagram editors (feature 2215).  2016-06-22 C v5.1 
* 2578 Make a freemium version that will ease evaluation. License generation and installation is very often an issue during evaluation.  Done. The licensing information is now managed from within the application, in a specific tab in the preferences. If no information is recorded, it will be asked the first time the application is launched. One of the choices is the free mode, which limits the size for diagrams (50Kb max) and the project as a whole (200 Kb max). Only the sizes for elements considered as model elements are counted. This includes all diagrams except the MSC, declaration files such as SDL-PR and ASN.1 files, and TTCN-3 source files. Any C or C++ code is not considered as a model element and does not participate in the total size.  2016-01-29 C v5.1 
* 2601 Allow to search for a symbol with a given identifier in a diagram.  Done. In diagrams, a choice has been added to the search to allow to search for symbol identifiers.  2016-01-27 C v5.1 
* 2796 Allow to browse diagrams during searches. Today, when running a search, the other windows are blocked and cannot be used until the search is over.  Done: the progress is now shown in a widget embedded in the search window, preventing it from grabbing the focus all the time and allowing to browse while the search is running.  2015-11-25 C v5.1 
*E 2758 When the auto-completion is started automatically, limit the cases where the list appears: it shouldn't appear when something is selected in the text, or if the insertion point is in the middle of a word. It might also be more practical to trigger the auto-completion only when the first letter(s) of a word has already been typed. Forcing the auto-completion list to appear by pressing F8 should be possible in all cases though.  Done. The auto-completion list should also no more appear at unexpected moments now, for example when navigating in the text with the arrow keys.  2016-08-02 C v5.1 
*E 2686 It would be better to avoid trigerring the display of the auto-completion list when the user has just entered a space or a return in the text. Today, it is triggered at each key press.  Done. Note that the auto-completion list can be explicitly displayed anyway by using the F8 key.  2016-05-17 C v5.1 
*E 2535 Include the diagram or partition page setup in the diagram inspector window: the corresponding compartment exists in the inspector, but the page setup still has its own dialog.  Done. The page setup for all diagrams is now displayed in the inspector, as well as the default page setup when the focus in on the project manager window, or on a textual editor window (which uses the default page setup).  2015-11-24 C v5.1 
*E 2530 When the property window for a symbol or a link is opened, it stays in front of all windows, even those that don't belong to PragmaDev Studio. It should stay behind the other ones, or even disappear when the application doesn't have the focus.  Done. The inspector window is now forced back in 'normal' mode instead of 'topmost' mode if a window outside the application gets the focus.  2015-11-19 C v5.1 
*E 2532 Implement the 'copy as bitmap' feature in diagram editors on OS X.  Done. The feature works exactly as on Windows: a bitmap of the selected symbols, or transition or whole diagram can be copied and pasted directly in any other application accepting it.  2015-11-16 C v5.1 
CG 2564 Provide a way to suppress all dynamic memory allocations in the crtosless integration.  Done. Memory management is now controlled via several macros that can be passed to the compiler, giving the maximum number of structures that can be allocated. There is one for the number of instances, one for messages, one for timers, one for semaphores, and one for instances that can wait for semaphores at a given time. Setting the ones for timers or semaphores to 0 actually disables all the code handling timers or semaphores, respectively. The full documentation is in the Reference Manual, in the section describing the C scheduler.  2015-12-17 C v5.1 
IN 2911 The application version is not specified in the generated macOS application bundle.  Done. The proper version is now set for the 4 variants of the application.  2016-12-08 C v5.1.2 
IN 2589 When installing, it is not clear that Studio includes all other modules: Specifier, Developer, and Tester.  Done. The names of the components that can be installed are now clearer and indicate that Specifier, Developer and Tester are included in Studio.  2016-02-23 C v5.1 
MD 2450 Introduce keyboard shortcuts for usual operations in debug and simulation: open breakpoint list, refresh variables, start MSC trace, ...  Done. Control+B now opens the breakpoint list, control+F refreshes the variables and control+T starts the MSC trace.  2015-11-18 C v5.1 
ME 2759 Allow to open OTF traces from PragmaDev Studio, as they can be opened in PragmaDev Tracer.  Done. Note that just as in PragmaDev Tracer, OTF files are read-only, and loaded only partially. A new menu has been added in the 'View' menu, called 'Event range', containing entries allowing to change the displayed events.  2016-11-10 C v5.1 
ME 1107 Make the objects present in MSCs available in SDL diagrams. Today, the MSCs "see" the objects present in SDL diagrams, but it is usually the reverse that is needed  Done. Dynamic dictionary objects have been introduced that can have a "variant" type, allowing to make MSC lifeline names candidates for naming any agent in the SDL system.  2016-01-12 C v5.1 
ME 2554 Link lifelines in MSC diagrams to agents in the system, or classes in class diagrams.  Done. Note that in case of a lifeline having a name shared by several SDL agents, it will pick up the first agent it finds in the system (usually the one at the highest level).  2015-12-04 C v5.1 
MS 2747 When simulating, remember in the MSC trace the symbols that have caused the various events: output symbol for a message start, input symbol for its end, timer start symbol for a start timer event, etc... A way to open the symbol must also be provided in the MSC editor. Remembering the lines in the TTCN source file for the sends and receives would be nice too.  Done. Identifiers for symbols or source file lines causing the event are now automatically recorded in all MSC traces, including state changes, message inputs & outputs, process creations, etc... These can be accessed the usual way via the symbol and link properties in the MSC trace. An easier has also been added for messages: if there are recorded output or input symbols, a special line will appear in the message browser in the MSC editor. Double-clicking on it will open the corresponding diagram and show the symbol, or display the source file at the correct line.  2016-08-05 C v5.1 
MS 2750 During simulation, the execution stops and displays the current line each time an externally implemented operator is called. But when the external operator is implemented in a XML-RPC server, this stop is unnecessary and should not be done.  Done. The execution will stop only if the operator or procedure's return value needs to be asked to the user, so it won't for the new built-in external procedures either.  2016-07-22 C v5.1 
MS 2748 During simulation, allow to display the call stack for the current context. A way to jump to any line in this call stack would be nice too.  Done. The call stack has been integrated in the breakpoint list window, in a second tab. It will be refreshed automatically by default on a line step or hitting a breakpoint, but not on SDL steps. Refresh options for it have been integrated in the simulator preferences.  2016-07-21 C v5.1 
MS 2745 When the predefined operator MkString is called on a complex value, it often fails because the type for the complex value is not known. But if the MkString is assigned to a variable, the type could be deduced from the type of the variable it's assigned to.  Done. The type for the complex value is figured out whenever the type for the value returned by MkString is known. A check that it's actually a String or a CharString has also been added.  2016-07-18 C v5.1 
MS 2743 Introduce "built-in" external procedures/functions allowing to work with files (open, close, read line, write line). To use them: use PragmaLib in SDL; import PragmaLib in TTCN-3.  Done.  2016-07-18 C v5.1 
MS 2734 Add an option to the rtdsSimulate / pragmastudiocommand simulate command line utility to put the simulator in automatic timers mode.  Done. The -a option now puts the simulator in automatic timer mode before execution.  2016-06-24 C v5.1 
MS 2737 Introduce a default external function in PragmaDev Studio Simulator that would allow to draw a radar graph from a model.  Done. Two external functions have been introduced:
  • var integer graphId := PragmaDev_RadarGraphCreate(instrumentNames) to first create the graph with the branches.
  • PragmaDev_RadarGraphAddLine(graphId, "configuration 1", resultString) to add a new line to the graph.
2016-06-24 C v5.1 
MS 2733 Allow the rtdsSimulate / pragmastudiocommand simulate command line utility to run TTCN testcases. Today, if a TTCN file is specified as the element to run, the command exits with an error message at once.  Done. When adding the -T option to the command line, specifying the name os a TTCN module file as the element to simulate now works.  2016-06-22 C v5.1 
MS 2715 Provide "built-in" external procedures/functions allowing to display a set of values as a radar graph. These functions should work in the simulator, and do nothing in the generated code or if a simulation is run without a GUI.  (Same as feature 2737)  2016-06-22 C v5.1 
MS 2731 In SDL, when something is appended to a list via "l := l // mkstring(elt)", or when a list is reduced to a sublist via "l := substring(l, i, len)", a new list is built from scratch and assigned to the old one. It is the SDL semantics, but it can have quite a hit on simulation performance. In these cases, it would be better to optimize the modification so that the list is modified "in place" without any copy.  Done. The optimization should be done in most cases, even if the list is embedded into another value such as a field in a struct or an element in an array. Note that the optimization is not done when "prepending" an element, as in "l := mkstring(elt) // l".  2016-06-21 C v5.1 
MS 2718 Support implicit conversion from Duration to Integer types in SDL simulation.  Done.  2016-06-09 C v5.1 
MS 2712 Support substring operator for all kinds of Strings in SDL.  Done.  2016-06-06 C v5.1 
MS 2706 When a message parameter contains a list (SDL String, ASN.1 SEQUENCE OF or TTCN record of), it is impossible to add items to the list when sending it interactively from the simulator window.  Done. When a message parameter is a list, a pseudo-child now appears as the last child of the list in the parameter tree. Double-clicking on it adds an element to the list.  2016-06-06 C v5.1 
MS 2593 Introduce support for complex/dynamic values of time and payload in performance analysis: SDL expressions are used as values (instead of constant integers).  Done.  2016-03-08 C v5.1 
MS 2642 Allow to hide internal variables in simulation (variables with a name prefixed with '&') as they can be hidden in code generation based debug.  Done. The option is exactly the same as the one that existed in the debugger: its default value can be configured in the debugger preferences, and it can be changed during a debug session via the 'Options' menu in the simulator window.  2016-02-24 C v5.1 
MS 2598 Introduce a GUI editable tabular representation of all SDL symbols in the model with their performance properties.  Done.  2016-01-26 C v5.1 
MV 2721 The 'jump limit' options in Diversity configuration files should be configurable in the validation options.  Done. The option has been added in the dialog. Leaving it blank will use the default value.  2016-06-10 C v5.1 
MV 2684 It seems the value for the jump#height option in Diversity helps a lot in succeeding to generate accurate tests for some systems. It would be better to offer to set it graphically in the validation profile.  Done. The corresponding field has been added in the generation profile window, and the configuration file for Diversity is created using the given value.  2016-05-31 C v5.1 
MV 2623 In the Validation options window the Symbol ID to target entry is way too small. It is not readable at all.  Corrected. The width of the entry has been increased.  2016-02-10 C v5.1 
PG 2129 When adding a button in the GUI, make the text inside the button automatically selected.  Done. The default text is automatically selected and the focus is in the widget ready to type.  2016-08-24 C v5.1 
PG 2773 Introduce a press effect on the buttons so that when clicking on it one has the feeling the button is effectively pressed  Done. Each color value (RGB) is divided by 2 when pressing the button.  2016-08-23 C v5.1 
PG 2774 Introduce an entry widget in the prototyping gui from which the content can be used to customize the output of the buttons.  Done. The value in the entry widget is accessible through the |$[entry name].  2016-08-23 C v5.1 
PG 2722 It would be nice to move the selected widgets with the arrow keys.  Done. The arrow keys move the selected objects by a snap.  2016-06-17 C v5.1 
PG 2723 It would be nice to select all widgets at once.  Done. Control-A or the Edit / Select all menu select all widgets.  2016-06-17 C v5.1 
PG 2725 The prototyping gui window should not be resizable during simulation.  Resize is now forbiden during simulation.  2016-06-17 C v5.1 
PM 2800 In the project manager, menu entries and quick buttons should be inactive if the current license forbids the execution of the associated feature.  Done. Menu entries & quick buttons are also made inactive when no project is opened and the current feature requires a project.  2016-11-09 C v5.1 
PM 2776 Add the possibility to generate a MSC trace from a socket to PragmaDev Studio just as it exists in PragmaDev Tracer. A quick button should be available in the PM.  Done. A new entry has been added in the 'Project' menu after the 'New trace from file' one, as well as a quick button in the debug toolbar.  2016-10-21 C v5.1 
PM 2775 Some icons in the project tree are truncated at the bottom, for example the one for the deployment diagram, the performance analyzer or the prototyping GUI.  Done. Icons that had the issue have been redesigned to be less high.  2016-08-30 C v5.1 
PM 2766 Allow to open a file containing tracer commands and to add it to the current project as a MSC diagram.  Done. The import of a tracer commands file is done in the project manager, via the 'Import tracer commands fil' in the 'Project" menu. It will create a new MSC diagram in the project and open it.  2016-08-11 C v5.1 
PM 2769 Allow to call PLM_Manager directly from within PragmaDev Studio.  Done. A new item for that has been added in the application menu, called 'Manage PLM licenses...'.  2016-08-11 C v5.1 
PM 2680 Introduce a possibility to check a system against a set of MSC diagrams considered as scenarios. The result should include whether the scenario still work or not, and which symbols are covered by the scenarios, separating coverage of working scenarios from non-working ones.  Done. The feature is available in the Validation menu, item 'Check system against MSC scenarios'. It allows to select the MSC diagrams to consider, then automatically generate testcases from them and executing them, gathering the verdicts and the code coverage at symbol level. A final report summarizes the verdicts and the uncovered symbols, and those covered only by scenarios that ended with a verdict that is not pass. This report can also be saved for future reference; it will appear as a node in the project.  2016-05-27 C v5.1 
PM 2679 In the TTCN generation from MSC dialog, offer the possibility to create a folder for the tests, not only choose an existing one.  Done. In the TTCN generation dialog, an entry has been added to the folder selection combo box, offering to create a new folder at project level. A text entry at the right of the combo box allows to specify its name.  2016-05-17 C v5.1 
PM 2098 Improve the user information feedback on long actions such as export or save as zip file.  Progress bars have been integrated in the notification zones, which have been generalized in most windows. Operations now display their progress, and finally a message saying when they're done.  2016-04-26 C v5.1 
PM 2672 When a default node is selected for code generation in a project, but a node is selected in the project tree when launching the code generation, there is nothing saying that the default is used instead of the selection. What happens should be much clearer.  Done. When an executable node is selected in a project but there is a default for code generation, the default node is now selected and a message is displayed saying that the code generation is launched on the default.  2016-04-18 C v5.1 
PM 2655 Improve error reporting for PR/CIF import: line numbers in the original file should be included whenever possible, and wrong PR files should be spotted out more often.  Done. Errors in the imported file are now spotted, and the line numbers in the imported PR/CIF files is now displayed when possible. Note that the actual import happens on a temporary file where all the includes and external references have been resolved, so the line numbers in the original file can be unavailable. In this case, they are not displayed.  2016-04-04 C v5.1 
PM 2649 Loading a project in version 5 is significantly slower than in v4.6 or earlier.  The performance has been improved. The loading should no more take longer than in v4.6, and can even be quicker in some cases.  2016-03-29 C v5.1 
PM 2634 When saving a project as a zip file (menu Project, sub-menu as a zip file...), is some elements are not represented by a file, the whole zipping process stops. It would be nice to warn the user some files might be missing and finish the zip.  Done. The non-existent files are now spotted before trying to include them in the ZIP file, which was what caused the error. If some files do not exist, a warning is displayed after the export saying that some files were not included in the ZIP.  2016-02-23 C v5.1 
PM 2613 It would be nice to have a horizontal scroll bar in the requirements window.  Done.  2016-02-08 C v5.1 
PM 2592 When exporting as a ZIP file a project while files are opened and not saved, or when the project itself is not saved, the exported ZIP file includes the versions of the files that are saved on disk, and no warning message is sent to the user. There should be one, preferably with an option allowing to do a 'save all' before exporting.  Done. The dialog offers to save all, use the files on disk, or cancel the export.  2016-01-21 C v5.1 
PM 2262 When opening a file from the 'Find all' results dialog, the search within this file should be automatically set to the same thing as in the 'Find all' dialog.  Done. This works in textual files and all diagrams.  2016-01-11 C v5.1 
PM 2405 Forbid to rename an agent that is a child of another one in the project tree, as it doesn't have any impact on the parent diagram and therefore breaks the link between the 2. The renaming should be done in the parent diagram, which impacts the project.  Done. The contextual menu now gives the operation that can be performed: rename and move file, rename only for nodes with no file or move only for nodes that can't be renamed, and the rename/move dialog no more allows to change the node name for a diagram that is not a top-level one.  2016-01-07 C v5.1 
PM 2557 Offer the possibility to generate TTCN testcases to test a block in a system, and not always the system as a whole. This would be consistent with the fact that blocks can be simulated alone, so traces can be generated from the execution of a single block.  Done. To make the generated testcases test a block instead of the whole system, select the block before running the TTCN generation. The trace used to generate the testcases must be a trace of the selected block.  2015-12-10 C v5.1 
PM 2315 Display the full path to the current project somewhere in the project manager window. Today, the only way to figure it out is to go look in the opened projects history menu, which is not natural at all.  Done. The full path to the opened project in now displayed in the notification zone after the 'Opening project: done' message.  2015-12-02 C v5.1 
PM 2311 When exporting from a document a number of windows pop up get the focus and prevents from doing anything else in RTDS.  Done. The progress bar is now unique, and embedded in the document window.  2015-12-01 C v5.1 
RE 2452 Allow to export the requirements matrix in CSV format.  Done. A new 'export as CSV' entry has been added to the 'Table' menu in the matrix window. It allows to export as Excel-style CSV files (';' seperated) or as tab-separated text files.  2015-11-19 C v5.1 
SE 2764 Introduce a grid in the new-style behavioral diagram editor just as it exists in the old-style one.  Done. The preference for the grid is the same as for the other diagram editors. Note that if the grid is active, pressing the 'alt' key while moving a symbol or a block of symbols will temporarily deactivate it, allowing for fine placement.  2016-08-29 C v5.1 
SE 2516 Handle comment and text extension symbols attached to symbols in a transition in the new-style behavioral diagram editor.  Done. Actually, only comments are supported, since text extensions seem to be rarely used.  2016-08-18 C v5.1 
SE 2765 Introduce a 'snap' feature in the diagram editors: the limits of the already existing symbols would act as guidelines for moved ones, with a 'sticky' behavior as the moved one gets close to it.  Done. When the feature is activated, alignment lines will appear when a symbol is moved allowing to align its sides or center on the corresponding side or center of the other symbols. A preference for this has also beed added in the application preferences.  2016-08-12 C v5.1 
SE 2506 Support partitions in the new-style behavioral diagram editor.  Done. The partitions work exactly the same way as in legacy diagrams.  2016-06-22 C v5.1 
SE 2713 Today, it is not possible to use the "(. .)" notation to represent an empty string, since it is not valid SDL. But since we do not support the standard "emptystring" literal, this means there's no way to explicitly set a String value to the empty list. It would be better if the "(. .)" notation were supported.  Done. Any SDL variable with a String type can now we set to (. .) to make it empty. Note that this is not standard SDL: according to the Z100, there must always be a value between the (. .).  2016-06-06 C v5.1 
SE 2645 The display for diagrams is slower than in previous versions. On some big diagrams, the delay is noticeable.  Some improvements done. The display is more complicated than in v4.6, notably because of the syntax highlighting which requires to use a different way to display the texts in the symbols. Getting back the performance in v4.6 will be difficult.  2016-06-02 C v5.1 
SE 2674 In a block diagram, connection names written in the left margin cannot be read completely if they are too long.  Done. If it is too long, the connection name is now left-aligned on the border of the diagram.  2016-04-21 C v5.1 
SE 2673 When editing a block or block class that already has channels or gates defined, it would be nice to have 'handles' on the frame border in the diagram allowing to create a channel just by clicking and dragging the handle to a process or block symbol.  Done. The handles are displayed on the frame border. Pressing the mouse button on one and dragging to a block or process symbol will automatically create a fully configured channel, with the proper connection and messages. The channel name is automatically set to the same name as the channel in the parent, but stays open for edition to be able to modify it easily.  2016-04-20 C v5.1 
SE 2668 In navigation mode, when opening a text for edition, it would be better to put the insertion point directly at the end of the text rather than at the beginning.  Done.  2016-04-18 C v5.1 
SE 2669 Today, it is possible to put a transition block outside the diagram frame. After doing so, there's sometimes no way to grab the block back as it's header symbol might not be visible anymore. So it cannot be put back withing the diagram frame.  Done. The coordinates for the block are now forced to be positive, so at least part of the header symbol should always remain visible.  2016-04-18 C v5.1 
SE 2670 Today, literal names defined in newtypes are not available in the code completion. They could be, just as synonyms are.  Done. Literal names are now listed as possible choices in the context of any value.  2016-04-18 C v5.1 
SE 2661 After converting a behavioral diagram from legacy to new-style, when it's opened for the first time, do automatically the graphical clean-up & the save.  Done. Note that the clean-up and resave will be done for each partition. In the case where a partition is cleaned up and the diagram is not saved, no save is done automatically, but a message indicates that a save is needed to keep the results.  2016-04-12 C v5.1 
SE 2515 Allow to use next states as state symbols for a new state block in the new-style behavioral diagram editor.  Done. Transitions can now be inserted under nextstate symbols, and will behave just like branches in a decision block.  2016-04-11 C v5.1 
SE 2653 PragmaDev Studio knows how to export a full project in SDL/PR format, but in the new-style FSM diagram editor, the item to export the diagram only is greyed out.  Done. The menu item has been added and works just as in legacy diagrams.  2016-03-31 C v5.1 
SE 2650 Opening a diagram is slower in version 5 than in version 4.6 or earlier.  Some improvements done. Diagram loading actually does much more analysis of the contents of the diagram, so it will be difficult to get back to the performance of v4.6.  2016-03-29 C v5.1 
SE 2514 Introduce partitions in the new-style behavioral diagram editor.  Done. The partitions work exactly the same way as in legacy diagrams.  2016-02-04 C v5.1 
SE 2798 Introduce keyboard shortcuts for symbol creations in behavioral diagrams. The shortcut should directly add the new symbol under the selected or edited one.  Done: selecting a symbol in a transition, then pressing Ctrl-I followed by a letter identifying the type of symbol to create will insert it under the selected one (or at its right for a comment). Ctrl-I followed by ? displays a help for the insertion in the notification zone, including all the allowed letters with the corresponding symbol type. Works only in the new-style editor.  2016-01-29 C v5.1 
SE 2573 Navigation in a diagram with the middle mouse button does not work any more since V5. It would be a nice feature to reintroduce.  Done. Middle-mouse button scrolling is now available in all diagram editors, including the new-style behavioral diagrams & new-style MSCs. The feature has also been added on OS-X by using the left mouse button with the command key depressed (Macs do not have a middle mouse button by default).  2016-01-07 C v5.1 
SE 2545 Improve the display for procedure return symbols: the text displayed on the symbol side is not taken into account for the symbol size, which can lead to it being written on top of another symbol.  Done. The space taken by the text at the right of the symbol is now correctly taken into account.  2015-11-25 C v5.1 
SE 2544 In a specialized process class, allow to display an overloaded transition in its super-class by 'opening' the super-transition execution symbol.  Done. Opening the super-transition execution symbol is done via its 'open' button in edition mode, or by double-clicking on it in navigation mode.  2015-11-23 C v5.1 
SE 972 Show the super class transitions in the state message browser of the sub class. A click on one of the super class transition would open the super class diagram. A different color would be appreciated.  Done. The super-class's states & transitions are now displayed in blue in the browser.  2015-11-23 C v5.1 
SE 2215 Warn the user when a diagram opened in an editor has been modified outside RTDS.  Done. The warning occurs when the diagram editor window gets the focus, as happens for textual files.  2015-11-23 C v5.1 
TE 2777 Add a contextual menu in the textual file editor with the most common operations on text: undo/redo, cut/copy/paste, etc...  Done. The new features to display and go to the definition of the item whose name is selected have been added to the contextual menu too (feature 2753).  2016-08-30 C v5.1 
TE 2742 When nesting or unesting with the key combination: Ctrl + Shift + >, the tab completion list window opens.  Included in feature 2758.  2016-08-03 C v5.1 
TE 2753 When editing a TTCN module, provide a way to display the definition of any item: template, variable, type, etc... This is especially necessary for templates, to allow to see what is actually sent or received in communications operations.  Done. A new panel has been added to the side browser in the text file editor that can show the definition of the item whose name is selected in the text. To do so, use the Search -> Show selected item definition menu item, or just press F6. The Search -> Go to selected item definition or the Shift+F6 shortcut allows to open the file containing the definition and put the insertion point on its first line.  2016-08-01 C v5.1 
TE 2801 Check if the file has changed on disk whenever the text file editor gets the focus back, and warn the user, offering to reload the file from disk.  Done. There is a secondary confirmation asked if the user chooses to reload the file, but the file was modified in the editor.  2016-06-22 C v5.1 
TE 2799 Introduce code completion in the text editor for SDL code. This would be used for editors opened for symbols with a shortcut text, or PR declaration files.  Done. The completion list is done the same way as in diagrams: a list appears listing the possible choices as the text is typed.  2016-06-06 C v5.1 
TE 2656 Error messages for syntax checking on ASN.1 files are often difficult to understand, especially when identifiers containing _ characters are used.  The error reporting has been improved. The messages should be much more accurate and point to the actual line where the problem is. This should have an impact on SDL syntax check as well.  2016-04-06 C v5.1 
TT 2671 Support of TTCN-3 external functions  Done. External functions are now declared in header file corresponding to the TTCN-3 file. Definitions of these functions have to be done in a .c file by the user. Then an external make file has to be add in the generation options for this C file.  2016-04-18 C v5.1 
TT 2632 any timer keyword is not supporting in a altstep.  Done.  2016-02-12 C v5.1 
TT 2619 Send and receive operation with a variable as parameter is not supported.  Done.  2016-02-09 C v5.1 
TT 2617 Component as parameters of a TTCN-3 function are not supported.  Done.  2016-02-09 C v5.1 
TT 2618 Support external action in TTCN-3.  Done. External action are generated as a call to the EXTERNAL_ACTION_MACRO.  2016-02-09 C v5.1 
TT 2616 Inline Template in TTCN-3 code generation are not supported.  Done. Inline templates are now supported.  2016-02-08 C v5.1 
TT 2609 allow to use ?, * or omit value as parameter of a template.  Done. A new class called Special as been created. When value are passer as parameters of a template, they are cast into this Special class. This class stores the value itself, and its type, meaning ?, *, omit or a value. In case of comparison, the == operator has been overload and the value return true if it's of a type ? or *.  2016-02-03 C v5.1 
TT 2551 address type in TTCN C code generation for communication with SUT is not supported.  Done. It is now possible to use address type and send a message to an address and receive a message with address type info.  2015-12-17 C v5.1 
TT 2550 to and sender keywords are not supported in TTCN C code generation.  Done. TO and SENDER keyword are now supported in TTCN C code generation.  2015-12-03 C v5.1 
TT 2549 rnd function in TTCN is not supported.  Done. rnd function in now supported. It is not yet possible to set a seed to the rnd function.  2015-12-02 C v5.1 
TT 2548 out and inout parameters for a function are not supported in code Generation.  Done. OUT and INOUT parameters are now correctly supported.  2015-12-02 C v5.1